唐震宇 张云
(山东交通学院轨道交通学院,山东 济南 250000)
中图分类号:TP249 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-2605(2023)01-0006-06
Multi-sensor Data Fusion for Attitude Angle Calculation of Four Axis Aircraft
(Shandong Jiaotong University Rail Transit College, Jinan 250000, China)
Abstract: Aiming at the problem of long period and low accuracy of attitude angle calculation method for four axis aircraft, an extended Kalman filter method is proposed. First of all, the three attitude angle calculation methods of gyroscope, accelerometer and Mahony complementary filter are analyzed; Then, the formula of extended Kalman filtering method is deduced, and it is pointed out that the Kalman gain can be changed by iteration to improve the solution accuracy; Finally, the experiment shows that the extended Kalman filter is more reliable than Mahony complementary filter. The extended Kalman filter method is used to solve the attitude angle, which can improve the control accuracy and stability of the four axis aircraft, and meet the requirements of high-precision workplaces. It has certain practical significance.
Keywords: extended Kalman filter; Mahony complementary filtering; four axis aircraft; attitude angle calculation; data fusion